(218) 510-1052
If you want to hear more about any project, or want to discuss a project of your own, be in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
At this time we are a fully digital agency.
We don't have a location for our clients to go to without an appointment.
However, if you'd like to meet, we can certainly setup a time to connect at our office space.
Your subscription should be available in the member's area of https://clients.zippysite.net/
You should also have received a renewal email in your inbox to renew.
Please contact us below if you're still having trouble renewing to avoid suspensions or cancellations/fees.
We accept MOST major credit cards and debit cards including Paypal!
We can also take direct debit transactions on a case-by-case basis.
If you're on our Zippy Ultimate plan you can export your website.
Every site export contains a zip file with the editor preview HTML, CSS and images of the site in a format that can be installed on your external web server.
Contact us to initiate this request.
We hope you choose us and we can provide you with the best website or hosting services you need!
Contact us and we'll help you figure out if we're the right fit or not!
Either way, we're here to support you!
At this time we do not offer game hosting. (We may offer it in the future)
Our services are currently setup to provide our customers website services and hosting.
Currently, we have two websites.
www.zippysites.net and https://zippysite.net which both offer the same services.
Zippysite.net offers our billing platform and support.
Depending on the type of service you need, our prices range from as low as $5 and up.
You can view our services on the "Our services" page for pricing information.
We work with you to create the website that's not only easy to edit but is convenient for your visitors. It's not just a website, it's your business so make it zippy!
Proudly crafted in Bemidji, MN
All Rights Reserved | ZippySites LLC